Corrosion Under Insulation

Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) is the root cause of many of the global petrochemical industry’s most serious problems including forced shutdowns, lost production, early repair and replacement, as well as safety and environmental consequences that can cost millions of dollars per incident.

CUI, which involves the corrosion of vessels or piping beneath insulation due to water penetration, is insidious because it can remain undetected until the insulation is removed for inspection or leaks occur.

CHIFY NIGERIA LTD Corrosion Control is expert applicators of coatings and linings for the interior & exterior of any kind of tank. CHIFY has experience in applying approved lining for water tanks, waste water tank lining, chemical and power plant tank lining and other tank linings in any industries.

These tank lining applications can be sprayed, rolled, brushed, troweled and fiberglass reinforced. Our applicators can spray apply coating systems with plural component spray and there is no tank lining project CHIFY Corrosion Control cannot handle. We are approved & certified by a list of coating suppliers and have the expertise to provide quality tank lining services for our clients in the Petrochemical, Oil and Gas Sectors.